Moving America's Soul on Suicide- Ep. 06 'This is How it Feels':
Craig Miller recollects driving in the car and hearing his rock band’s song on the radio for the first time. But, he also writes about the sexual assaults and intense emotional challenges of growing up. When suicidal he was often asked why he wanted to die. He learned the better question was why to live.
THE S WORD skillfully weaves stories of survivors from a cross-section of America including LGBT, African American and Asian American communities, who candidly share their profoundly emotional stories of trauma, mental health challenges, survival, and advocacy. The film’s narrative flows organically from one story to the next, starting with personal moments and building emotional momentum before widening out to show how their journeys are driving the national movement to take the “S” word from unthinkable to preventable.
A Voice at the Table, a 35-minute documentary, began as a casual text conversation in June 2013. It gradually gained momentum over several months, almost a whispered voice at the table; or more to the point, a voice long missing from the suicide education and prevention table – the voice of the suicide attempt survivor. Where does that voice belong?
A Voice at the Table brings that question into the light.